Happy Birthday to Us. And Thanks to You, Clients!

Happy Birthday to Us. And Thanks to You, Clients!

April 3, 2024

We’re giving ourselves a new website for CODAVATE’s 7th birthday. For seven incredible years, we’ve been grateful to support amazing organizations in their online mission.

Programming apps, designing inspiring sites, producing mind-changing videos, reaching hundreds of millions of people with billions of responsibly-targeted impressions. That’s what we’ve been up to.

We love our work because we love the clients we support. They say you’ll never work a day in your life if you love your job. Consider us smitten. Digital is our oxygen. And we’re lucky to practice it for some of the best corporations, trade associations, and nonprofits in America.

You know who you are ;-) and we thank you for trusting us with your online reputation for seven exciting years. Here’s to seven more.

Let’s Talk

Great outcomes can begin with a conversation.

Great outcomes can begin with a conversation.

We’re looking forward to your message.